Monday, November 24, 2014

Te Mahia Junior School Sports

 Room 2 and 3 waiting to race in the Te Mahia Junior Athletics Championship .
The 9 and 10 year old egg and spoon race.

The 6 year old egg and spoon race.

The 6 year old sack race
The teachers and other special people sack race.

The American Marines

Patricia, D'Magio and Rome helped Papa Peter Nielsen sing the Amercian National Anthem for the Marines. We saw the Amercian Ambassador and they had a canon and an army truck.  We had an slushy afterwards.  It was cool.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Whangawehi River Day

The whole school at Whangawehi beside the trees that we planted last time we were here.

The Whangawehi river. You can see the fence that has been put up to keep the cattle out of the river

Listening to Jenny talking about the river.

Inanga  whitebait and tuna glass eels that we found in the Whangawehi River
Watching Arthur getting the net in the river

Looking and Watching at the Gala

 Finn was the most popular character we made for the gala

Putiki's nan with Finn
hLisa's Mum and Dad with Finn

Nanny Vienna with Finn

Steve and Julie with Finn

Girls with Finn

Ivory being a Pirate

Memaree with Krushay

Rongomai with her whanau

Rangi and Krushay and the girls


Making our Costumes

This is Patricia sewing her costume for the school Production. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Room 2 go-kart project

At the end of 2013, schools were encouraged by the Ministry of Education to apply for Alim. This enabled schools to have teacher release time and a little bit of putea. Teachers were encouraged to be innovative and think of a different approach they could use to foster positive attitudes with learners and their mathematics learning.

Miss Grover selected a small group of 4 students from Room 2 and started on this journey. After having a discussion with them, they identified that building go-karts would be an awesome opportunity. The first math’s encounter for this project involved accurately measuring themselves in height to ensure their scale drawing would allow them to sit in the go-kart without it being too short or too long. Km’s into town, how much petrol costs, a budget to spend at Carters, how many packets of chewing gum could be purchased for $5 was all math’s learning that was very real for this group of learners.

They are now at the end of the project and the go-karts look amazing. One student in the group has made more than 18 months progress in 15 weeks of being involved in this project. Miss Grover and myself fly to Auckland next Tuesday to showcase this story on a National level and the success she has had. How lucky are these children to be involved in such a beneficial project? Ka mau te wehi tamariki ma & Miss Grover!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

This is Room 2's prize giving song for the end of the year, hope you enjoy singing your hearts off.  :)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bird watching

Room 2 at Oraka with Mr Smith from DOC. Mr Smith showed us some birds that are sometimes found at Oraka like the Kotuku.   We learnt about why birds can wade at the edge of the water and other birds swim in deeper water. We also learnt about Godwits and how they fly to Russia.T

Next we went to the Wetlands to watch birds. We were really quiet and saw a Pukeko. We heard a Bitten booming. We also saw how the Raupo was growing in water and we looked at the trees that we had planted. Mr Smith told us how the Wetlands was his favourite place and how once there would have been Giant Eagles and Moa living there.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wairoa Inter-school Chess Tournament

On Wednesday we had a small team of 9 Chess players who participated in the Wairoa inter-school event held at Tiaho Primary School. 122 students from around the district gathered to participate in a tournament and gain experience. Jedi and Noble (Eastern Knights Chess Club) assisted the marshals in the different age groups to record scores. It was an awesome day and another experience for our children, that have an interest and talent in playing Chess. At the prizegiving, Jedi presented Patricia Davis with a Chess Board. His korero went something like… “ I was impressed with this young lady, her thinking and moves on the board. Every time she played she got better and better. I hope she carries on playing Chess and learning as much as she can.” Ka mau te wehi Patricia – you are such a taonga for Te Mahia School! A big thanks to Aan Hoek and Sue Crawshaw from Nuhaka School who organized the event. Also Whaea Pepi and Mid who helped transport our tamariki into town.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cross Country

On Thursday 10 the runners from Room 2 participated in the cross country at Nuhaka School. We and not had many  practice runs due to the rain but we had a very successful day with everyone running hard and finishing their races
Congratulations to Tia and Rebecca who both won their races!!  

Friday, September 5, 2014

On Thursday Room 2 were able to make a contribution to the Whangawehi project by planting trees. It was a very special day and everyone had an amazing time. We planted 150 trees.  

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Daffodil day

 Room 2 ended the week by coming to school in yellow.  
Everyone put lots of effort into their costumes and looked amazing. It was a big effort and  Te Mahia School raised $120 to support the Cancer foundation. 

Whangawehi Planning and Planting Workshop 21 August

 At the planning and planning workshop Room 2 made  vision maps,  designed tree planting plans, talked about communication, and weed control. 
We also learned about Pest Control.  Malcolm Smith showed us his stuffed cat, ferret,   stoat and weasels and showed us the damage they can do to trees and birds. 

Harakeke and whakairo Workshop

On Thursday 14 August we had Whangawehi Catchment workshop for Harakeke and Whakairo.

We were lucky to have Matua Edward and Whaea Te Ara and a lot of whanau to help us.
Whaea Te Ara told up how to cut and prepare the flax for weaving.

                                     Room 2 carving the pumice.
          Matua Edward taught  us how to show respect when people are carving

                                                       Carving Pumice Koru.
We learned that the pumice washes up on Mahia beach but it a volcanic rock.
There were some very talented  weavers in room 2. They wove mats, flowers and kite.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Duffy Theatre

This year Duffy and his friend Rosie are excitedly awaiting a visit from Duffy’s famous, rugby league playing uncle, Bingo. They are taken aback however when they begin to learn that Bingo isn’t a big fan of books and maybe can’t read at all! With ideas from the audience and Duffy’s King of Colours book, the pair go on a journey to help Bingo learn the importance of reading and the benefits it can have for everyone, everywhere.  Together, Duffy and Rosie sing and stumble their way through to the realisation that everyone has a different favourite story and that each person’s story is just as awesome as the next. 

This was such a fantastic treat, our children were a fabulous audience and hopefully they took away the key message of reading material that you are interested in and authors you enjoy.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Jump Jam

In the holidays, Miss O'B bought 2 new Jump Jam CD's for Te Mahia School. Putiki is a Jump Jam king so we went to the library on Friday and started learning some new moves. We brainstormed what makes a great Jump Jam leader and here is our thinking. Putiki chose Mem, Awhina and Manaia to help him learn and present Boom Boom Pow. Patricia and Tia are also going to choose one from the other CD.  Keep watching, we will have a video on our class blog soon so you can see what we look like.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rongomaiwahine News - !st Edition

Term 2 Day1

Room 2 are learning about what happens when you mix an acid and an alkali. We did a Scientific  Demonstration. 
We were surprised when we saw how much gas we made. The gas blew up our balloon.

What can you do with so much gas??? 

This is our demonstration gas powered rocket. 

It is powered with acid (vinegar) and alkali (baking soda).It went about 3metres high.