Monday, November 3, 2014

Room 2 go-kart project

At the end of 2013, schools were encouraged by the Ministry of Education to apply for Alim. This enabled schools to have teacher release time and a little bit of putea. Teachers were encouraged to be innovative and think of a different approach they could use to foster positive attitudes with learners and their mathematics learning.

Miss Grover selected a small group of 4 students from Room 2 and started on this journey. After having a discussion with them, they identified that building go-karts would be an awesome opportunity. The first math’s encounter for this project involved accurately measuring themselves in height to ensure their scale drawing would allow them to sit in the go-kart without it being too short or too long. Km’s into town, how much petrol costs, a budget to spend at Carters, how many packets of chewing gum could be purchased for $5 was all math’s learning that was very real for this group of learners.

They are now at the end of the project and the go-karts look amazing. One student in the group has made more than 18 months progress in 15 weeks of being involved in this project. Miss Grover and myself fly to Auckland next Tuesday to showcase this story on a National level and the success she has had. How lucky are these children to be involved in such a beneficial project? Ka mau te wehi tamariki ma & Miss Grover!

1 comment:

  1. where do u get the wheels from again miss grover?
