Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wairoa Inter-school Chess Tournament

On Wednesday we had a small team of 9 Chess players who participated in the Wairoa inter-school event held at Tiaho Primary School. 122 students from around the district gathered to participate in a tournament and gain experience. Jedi and Noble (Eastern Knights Chess Club) assisted the marshals in the different age groups to record scores. It was an awesome day and another experience for our children, that have an interest and talent in playing Chess. At the prizegiving, Jedi presented Patricia Davis with a Chess Board. His korero went something like… “ I was impressed with this young lady, her thinking and moves on the board. Every time she played she got better and better. I hope she carries on playing Chess and learning as much as she can.” Ka mau te wehi Patricia – you are such a taonga for Te Mahia School! A big thanks to Aan Hoek and Sue Crawshaw from Nuhaka School who organized the event. Also Whaea Pepi and Mid who helped transport our tamariki into town.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Tiati I used to come to this school you turn it in to a class always use to get heaps of certificates when it was the last day I got a trophy it was cool but the next day I left I am now at Edmund Hillary school in Auckland mostly it is Papakura I hope you have a good holiday
