Sunday, August 30, 2015

Room 2 and Teeth Inquiry.

Room 2's inquiry has moved to the Explain stage and we are thinking about teeth. Today we made models of the structure of our teeth using playdough to represent all the different parts.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wairoa Winter Warmers Big Day Out

On Wednesday Room 2 had an action packed Wairoa day.
At the library the Librarian read us a fishing story using her funny voices.  Then we went upstairs where we choose our own books and a pen to keep, and we got some treats.  We got so many cool prizes just because we did all of our 10 winter warmers book reviews. Jahnei.

Next we walked to the pools to have a swimming lesson from Aunty Sarah. She is a very talented swimming teacher and she showed me how to dive.  When you dive you put your hands up and cover your ears and push off with your feet. If you do this it will work and your dive will look amazing.  Then we got to have free time to play stuck in the mud.  The swim was the most marvelous part of the day.  By Memaree

As part of our inquiry on the human body we went to the dental clinic to visit Grace. She answered our questions and showed us all of the equipment that she uses to look after out teeth.  We saw all the rooms including the store room and Grace’s office. She had a very special chair that went up and down.

We went to the skateboard park to play on our scooters and skateboards. We got to go really fast down the ramp and over the bumps.  Rome did jumps. It was fun because we had races and everyone had a turn. Rebecca

The best part of the day was playing with our friends.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Te Mahia Cross Country

Thursday was crosscountry.We held it in the gully which had trees, mud and a bridge to cross over the creek. Room 2 children ran really  fast and had lots of fun. It was a very cool day

X-Country at Nuhaka School

Tuki, Sharon, Patricia T-A, Rome, Becky, Jahnei, Ryan, Manaia, Lucas, Waitama and Jhalena travelled over to Nuhaka School on Tuesday to participate in the Nuhaka School x-country. It was a cooler day, perfect for running after the summer like weather we had on Monday. All of our Mahitians ran with a cranked up level of effort after our school x-country last Thursday.  Many thanks to Nuhaka School for inviting us over, all of our whanau that were there cheering on the side lines and to our tamariki who achieved some more personal goals on the day.

Special mention to Becky who placed 1st, Jahnei 2nd and Sharon Maru 3rd in their respective age divisions. Ka mau te wehi tamariki ma.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Burrows 2


Little Blue Penguin

At School on Wednesday, our day started off by watching a short clip about the Blue Penguin population numbers on Banks Peninsula being restored. The people living on the peninsula had completed extensive trapping for predators and built burrows for the penguins to breed in. Malcolm Smith then told us lots of facts and information about the Blue Penguin, where they live, what they eat, and what makes them different from other penguins. From here we rehearsed the ‘Penguin Song.’ 

After morning tea we split into three groups; burrow construction, arts and crafts, penguin science and research. During the morning all of the children had completed all 3 workshops. Many thanks to Whaea Jenni Scothern and Matua Arthur who came to support our tamariki during the day. It is always amazing, the resources and energy people bring to Te Mahia School and the engagement and motivation our tamariki show. There will be a display in town in the Hammer Hardware front window of all of todays learning. Do watch out for it!