Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Preparations for Silver Enviro-School Celebration

Today Room 2 looked at our garden, which we have been giving special attention in preparation for the Silver Enviro-school celebration. We thought that our flowers are looking gorgeous and that we should write about it on our blogs so everyone else can see too. Check out the Room 2 blogs for our photos and super sentences describing our stunning flowers.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Enviroschools seafood day

Room 2 had an amazing day out learning about Crayfish, Kina,  Paua and Fish.

We started at Whangawehi where the Aurora sped in at exactly 11:50 looking like a James Bond Boat. Then  Tom and Selwyn unloaded the live  crayfish  in crates and put them on the truck.

We followed the truck to Nanny Doi's factory and Selwyn and Tom put the crayfish in a  pool. Then they told us about crayfish and crayfishing. We learnt how to tell the males from the females. Everyone held a crayfish.

After lunch we had 3 workshops: Paua and Kina with Auntie Ali, Measuring fish with Whaea Jenny and looking at rock pools with Nanny Rae.  

It was an excellent day. Even the weather was perfect. Thanks to Whaea Jenny, the presenters and all the whanau who came to support us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Basics - Discus

How To Throw A Shot Put

How To Throw A Shot Put

What are Number Patterns?

Algebra made Easy. Math concepts for kids

Patterns and Algebra - Stage 2

Algebra Learning

This term in Room 2, we are learning about Algebra.  More specifically, patterns and relationships. What patterns have you made before? What colours have you used? What shapes have you used? Has anyone made neclaces before we you have made a pattern. We will be using lots of materials and equipment to build, create, continue and talk about patterns.  Here are some website links that will also help you with your learning. So what are you waiting for?




