Monday, March 30, 2015

Enviroschools Day at Tiaho School

On Wednesday Room 2 went to Tiaho School to learn about the Enviroment with Wheae Jenny.  We were put into different groups and we did 6 different activities.
We planted little Pohutakawa trees into black pots. There were also Hebes and flax. The flax looked spiky like long grass.
We learned the names of native plants, that usually grow in the bush, by playing plant bingo.
 The story was about the Wairoa River and we learned that town water comes from Lake Waikaremoana down the Wairoa River.  But when we had a drink of the water from the Tiaho drinking fountains we thought that the water tasted disgusting. However we thought that Tiaho had very cool drinking fountains. They were shiny! The knob was  very easy to push down so the water came out easily.
We learned about white bait and eels and saw some exotic fish like cat fish which mess up the eels homes so the eels die.
We went to see Mr Smith and saw the cat eating the bird and the trap for catching rats, weasels and stoats. Weasils and stoats are destructive because they are predators of the native birds.

 At the end of the day we said Thank you. We got seeds for the school and some of us got prizes for listening. We were happy because we had learned a lot about the Environment.

End Of Our Statistics Learning...

We are now at the end of our statistics learning module in Room 2 and I would like to congratulate the problems our learners investigated during their learning time. Our ‘Data Detectives’  looked into some more and varied lunch time activities, some improvements needed in our physical classroom environment and more/varied reading material available during Silent Reading Time. Here is a photo of Tuhi Thompson-Hatley with his completed investigation. Come and visit Room 2 to view these on the wall and talk with our learners about what they concluded. Ka mau te wehi tamariki ma!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Duffy books

Diane Queenin was the Duffy presenter. She had worked at the museum of natural history and knew all about snakes,  dinosaurs, fossils, stingrays and paddle crabs. She had fossils of pre-historic creatures. She told Room 2 that reading is important and she gave us our Duffy books.

Jump Jam Irish Style

Saint Patricks Day 2015, with Room 2  wearing green and  doing jump jam the Irish way.

Monday, March 16, 2015

St Patricks Day

Today was a sea of green at Te Mahia School. We had lots of green hats, pants, trousers, four leaf clovers, and leprechauns at school.  It was massive to see the preparation children had gone to, in getting their green themed attire ready for today.  Happy St Patrick's Day everybody!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Kinikini Walk

Te Mahia School looking out from the road near the pine forest and learning about the importance of the forestry industry and how trees grow.

Later we walked the Kinikini reserve track and had lunch. Mr Smith told interesting facts about the plants and  trees.  

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sam New - Room 2 learner

If you haven’t met Sam New yet, you will find him busy in Room 2. Sam has a very special talent with technology. Sam advises me on many problems I encounter and was only on Friday explaining in detail how ‘Air Drop’ works. Sam has a goal to build his very own PC with parts he needs. He has been an active programmer and has extensive knowledge of server systems within organisations such as schools.

At the end of last year, I explained to Sam that we had a problem at Te Mahia School of not having a website. Sam spent weeks emailing different providers to get quotes for hosting a site for us. He spent time looking at other schools websites to gauge what we might need. He thought about colour schemes, logo’s and what might look ‘appealing’ to people outside of Mahia googling our site. Sam has worked incredibly hard and last week our site went live. He will continue to keep this up to date as he acquires even more skills to add to his repertoire. He assures me his hourly rate is affordable if anyone would like to contract him for work. Absolutely brilliant Sam!!!